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Normandy Jeep Tour #12 – Specialized Tours


Our « Jeep Tour » is a real opportunity to experience an unforgettable moment in Normandy. You will travel the same routes and trails as the paratroopers of the 82nd and 101st Airborne did in June 44. Few landscapes have changed since that time. Being on board these mythical vehicles is really a special experience. It’s a real Normandy Jeep Tour!

You will have the privilege of taking a two hour tour in a vintage vehicle as part of a special Private Tour which also includes our Tour # 1 (Omaha sector) circuit in the morning. This part of the tour is conducted via minivan. In the afternoon you will experience a compilation of the highlights of the Airborne sectors by minivan and also in a vintage car. The time spent in a collector’s car will be around two hours of the total time of the day. This is more than enough time for a lot of fun!

We offer a range of options for our special Normandy Jeep Tour:

Jeep Tour: It takes place aboard a real Willys Jeep from 1944.
3 passengers maximum.

Note: this is a covered vehicle (tarpaulin) but it remains open on the sides so is relatively exposed to bad weather.

You will need to have a certain amount of flexibility to access the back seats!

Tour in a Dodge Command Car WC 57 « Patton’s Command Car » : It is conducted on board a 1943 Command Car equipped in the same way as General Patton’s vehicle.
4 passengers maximum.

Note: this is a covered vehicle (tarpaulin) but it remains open on the sides so is relatively exposed to bad weather. We have side doors with canvas but the view is too obscured to discover the landscapes.

You will need to have a certain amount of flexibility to access the front seat!

The vehicle is very high so relatively difficult to access for the elderly.

Staff Car Tour : It takes place aboard a Dodge Sedan 1940.

Recommendation: None – This is an officer vehicle so very comfortable. It had to be!
4 passengers maximum.

Tour in a Dodge WC 51: It is conducted on board a 1943 Weapon Carier WC 51
7 passengers maximum.

Note: this is a covered vehicle (tarpaulin) but it remains open on the sides so is relatively exposed to bad weather. We have side doors with canvas but the view is too obscured to discover the landscapes.

You will need to have a certain amount of flexibility to access the front seat!

The vehicle is very high so relatively difficult to access for the elderly.

A typical private tour runs from 8.30am with pick-up at your hotel in Bayeux or vicinity (pick-ups further afield can be priced on request) or a RDV point, such as a car park, if you are coming from another location by car.

It ends at 5.30/6pm and again, your guide will drop you at your chosen destination, as arranged during your booking. Timings can be modified within these hours, to suit your plans.

You can discuss and check the feasibility of the itinerary with our booking administrators.

We cannot allocate car/booster seats for children. These vehicles do not permit it.



These prices are for a one day tour from 8.30am to 5.30/6pm, inclusive of 125 miles (200 kms)

This distance is equivalent to one of our regular group tours, namely a full day on one of the D-Day sectors.

Your personalized tour enables you to « mix and match », within these hours.
Our booking administrators will check feasibility for time and distance during the booking process.
For any special itineraries we would be delighted to provide you with a customized quote to suit your request.


1 to 4 people: 650 €.

5 to 7 people: 710 €.

Prices above are per day for the tour, not per person.

Even if you decide to shorten the time allocated for the tour the price remains the same.

Our fees do not include your lunch, accommodation or entrance fees to museums if you choose to visit one.

Included: all taxes and charges, 125 miles (200 kms) – Specific quotes available on request outside of this range.

IMPORTANT: These vehicles are 75 years old and over …. They are in exceptional condition and very well maintained. However, it is possible that on the day of the Tour they may have a technical problem. In this case we will guarantee your Tour aboard one of our minivans and the price will be reduced to our standard rate of 520 €.

  • Hours 8.20 AM
    6.00 PM
  • Number of spots 18
The tour package inclusions and exclusions at a glance
What is included in this tour?Items that are included in the cost of tour price.

This tour will take you to sectors where the American V Corps and VII Corps landings occurred at Omaha and Utah beaches. You will follow the steps of the famous 1st, 29th, and 4th American Infantry Divisions and the other units that linked up with them. You will also be taken to the misplaced drop zones of the 82nd and 101st Airborne Units that landed in the early morning hours of the D-Day Invasion on June 6, 1944.

Whats not included in this tour.Items that are included in the cost of tour price.

Lunch is not included in our fee.

  1. Spot 1 Omaha and the WN

    This Cemetery, extends over 172.5 acres, and is one of fourteen permanent American World War II cemeteries constructed on foreign soil. It contains the remains of 9387 servicemen and women killed for our freedom. The American Cemetery of Colleville conveys an unforgettable feeling of honor, peace and serenity.

  2. Spot 2 American Cemetery of Colleville sur Mer

    This Cemetery, extends over 172.5 acres, and is one of fourteen permanent American World War II cemeteries constructed on foreign soil. It contains the remains of 9387 servicemen and women killed for our freedom. The American Cemetery of Colleville conveys an unforgettable feeling of honor, peace and serenity.

  3. Spot 3 Pointe du Hoc

    Located on a cliff 8 miles west of the Cemetery, this monument was created by France to honour elements of the 2nd Rangers Battalion under the command of LTC James E. RUDDER which scaled the 100-foot cliff. Admiral Hall’s Intelligence officer remarked: "It can’t be done. Three old women with brooms could stop the Rangers scaling that cliff!". RUDDER replied to General BRADLEY: "Sir, my Rangers can do the job for you".

  4. Spot 4 Lunch Break

  5. Spot 5 Sainte-Mère-Eglise

    Sainte Mere Eglise is one of the most memorable places depicted in the famous movie: The Longest Day. This tour will show you the famous church tower upon which the American paratrooper John Steele landed and became entangled as he parachuted into Normandy on June 6th. An actual mannequin of Steele has been hung with parachute on the church tower to commemorate his courageous jump.

  6. Spot 6 Angoville au Plain

    A very moving place! Our tour here will first allow you to enter a 12th/13th Century church where two medics of the 506th, Bob Wright and Kenneth Moore took care of 80 German and American wounded for over 72 consecutive hours following the initial hours of the jump into Normandy. Wright and Moore were honored by the residents of this small village by a Memorial, which you will see, and a recently installed stained glass window in this famous church in commemoration of their life saving efforts. You will enter into the courtyard of the farm where the colonel Sink, Commander of the 506th PIR, established his second CP. The "Easy Company" stayed here from June 7 to the attack of Carentan.

  7. Spot 7 Drop Zone D

    Our tour progresses next to the DZ "D". This was the area where Colonel Johnson of the 501st landed. From here, he launched the attack onto the lock of La Barquette. Not unlike some of the other men, the Captain had sustained an injury to one of his ankles. Here, slightly on outskirts of a designated drop zone, he quickly mobilized what men he could, and transformed a small farm house here, belonging to Monsieur Auguste Lay, into a critical aid station for the wounded. As you can imagine, the farmhouse was quickly filled with wounded men in need of the Captain’s help, and the life saving measures of those that attempted to assist him. Unbelievably though, while there attending to the wounded here, the Captain and others discovered that the aid station was located literally on top of a nearby German battery, disguised in total cammoflage along a nearby road, and manned by as many as 60 German soldiers, and four 105mm cannons, who were unaware of their presence while busy firing countermeasures to the attack! COME WITH US while we walk you through this site to relive-rediscover the courageous actions of the Captain and his small group of American Paratroopers, who singlehandedly stole this position.

  8. Spot 8 Sainte-Marie-du-Mont

    Today, St. Marie du Mont appears to be a typical Norman village. Here, Marshall Erwin Rommel, who was in charge of the Atlantic defenses, inspected them several times between January and May 1944. While evaluating and inspecting the German defenses, Rommel stayed in a 17th century manor situated at the Western entrance of the village. The gothic bell tower was a key reference point for the 101st Airborne General Maxwell Taylor who landed in the early hours of the Invasion spent the night regrouping misdropped soldiers.

  9. Spot 9 Carentan via Purple Heart Lane

    In the first days of June 1944, Carentan was a key position between the two American landing beaches of Utah and Omaha The Germans launched only local attacks, or they entrenched in their strong points. On 9 June, the Americans made little progress in front of Carentan, which was naturally protected by the river Douve in the west and the river Vire in the east. They encountered difficulty against a crack German unit, the paratroopers of the 6th Para Regiment, under command of Lieutenant-Colonel von der Heydte, and an eastern volunteers unit. On 11 June, the Americans launched several attacks both from the north and the south. On 12 June, after heavy shelling of the town, the paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division renewed the assault simultaneously on three axis. They drove the Germans out of Carentan, and ended up clearing the city in the evening.

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Angoville au Plain

This is the very moving story of Bob Wright and Kenneth Moore. Two medics from 101st Airborne distinguished for their heroic feats.

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Sainte Mère Eglise

The parachuting site from the night of June 5 to 6, which was made famous thanks to the film "The Longest Day".

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